The basic
concepts of quality management
The goal
of the project quality management objectives at least in terms of importance
for the budget and the time of the project, as the project manager is the owner
the full responsibility on the quality of the project management . The written
specifications in the contracts are for the purpose of ensuring that the owner
will get what you expect from a good quality submitted by the main contractor
product . To achieve this must be the availability of good management on both
sides and can not leave that to chance, trust or CV to the contractor , but
must rely on the policies and plans quality technical elaborate.
Management has been known by the ISO 8402 1995 "as activities for all
management functions that determine policy and quality objectives and
responsibilities and apply the means and methods of such a plan and adjust and
confirm and develop quality within the quality system group."
quality management has evolved and improved through four stages, starting
verification of the quality and quality control until now reached a Quality
Assurance and Total Quality Management . On the grounds that the quality
verification is an activity that determines the measurement and testing whether
the item or article complying or not, the corrective action in the event of
non-conformity to correct any defect in the item or article is based on a
process of quality that build on the efforts and results of the verification
process tuning of quality that rely heavily on broad and statistical techniques
to identify tracks and discover the problems resulting from the procedure .
These techniques have become widely used and routinely in the manufacturing
process. Rather than simply pointing and identify errors for the purpose of
taking corrective action, the quality and total quality management confirm aim
to reduce these errors, and ultimately prevent them as much as possible.
Both the
quality and total quality management objectives characterized by focusing on
customer requirements and desires of the confirmation process ( Customer )
and this is a summit of the goals of both processes . Does there is a clear
definition of total quality management ( TQM ), as defined by some as a process
the customer a good product at the right time and the right place, and others
are known as a reimbursement or skip the superiority of the customer 's
requirements, known internally within the enterprise scale, as less variability
( Variability ) in the quality of the product and less waste . It is not
necessary in the overall quality management that the customer is the owner only
as tend to the quality assurance process implicitly. The customer at the TQM
can be distinguished by the party that will be issued to the product. Every
stage of the process the production of a particular product has no customers
know customers internists ( Internal the Customers ) These are a group of
people who receive an average product (not final) from the other group. To
illustrate this , let's take the production of precast concrete pieces as an
example plant (Figure 1) the preparation and processing of the mold for casting
the crew received from staff rebar in charge of the work breakdown and linking
rebar according to measurements required for the formation of an
iron grid
reinforcement occasion. From here it can be seen as preparation and processing
of the mold for pouring implicit customer to the process of forming rebar crew
and in the same manner a crew casting mold customer implicit process of
preparation and processing of the mold for pouring, while longer to build a
residential building of pieces of turnkey construction as an example of an
external customer project.
All the
crew of the crews that receive medial product is not final ( Intermediate
Product ) will be prompted to achieving record quality standards to avoid an
error occurs and then re - work. The idea and the concept of customer
internists ensure that achieve quality accomplished through a comprehensive
process, and so by keeping their internal processes to activate this method can
achieve process improvement and development of the overall quality.
To ensure customers get what they
want, there is a need to fully understand their needs and Report it and
deliberated throughout the enterprise transfer. This is a core of quality
management approach which is the goal of the quality system. The quality system
includes the preparation Ookares guide as a reference quality (pre-prepared
instructions on a standard founded by a dedicated staff) to guide workers in
the performance of a specific task. Such references to ensure that management
provide a work environment that ensures implementation of the work properly and
the emphasis on achieving the owner's requirements.
The essence of the quality system is
to provide a way to contribute to the work of preventing problems or even that took
place there shall be a quick and accurate diagnosis of the place and the reason
for the emergence of the problem and then rectified efficiently and at low cost
There are no other culture of
quality management is the dedication to continuous improvement. Such a
commitment to accurate measurement and analysis required to perform operations
from the standpoint of customers. You can adopt this method of quality
management by drawing a diagram illustrating the direction of the source of the
emergence of the problem. Such charts also be useful to highlight the out of
control circumstances surrounding areas. There are a number of tools and
techniques to implement it and the tools and techniques:
Diagram or work sequence diagram Flow Chart or the Process Flow Diagram
Histograms Histogram
Cluttering schemes Scattered Diagrams
Pareto Analysis Pareto Analysis
Fishbone Diagram or Called the Cause-and-Effect Diagram Fishbone Diagram
And other tools and other
technologies that can be used to identify and demonstrate the problem and then
use it to improve the quality of services (there's no need to delve into the
details of the study of these tools and techniques as they do not enter into
the goal and the purpose of research, but just displayed in haste in this
chapter is only to provide a domain serves the general framework of this
search). The primary purpose of using these tools is to identify the problem
and then analyzed to determine the reasons and sources of imbalance when it highlights
the need to implement two important steps to complete the process of quality
improvement, the first to be preparing a plan of action and the second shall be
providing monitor implementation and application of the action plan. The action
plan that describes actions to be taken, and determine the responsibility and
the time required to complete it either monitoring process, it is to make sure
that the procedures were followed and that conditions have improved .
Figure 2 illustrates the general framework for
quality improvement process.